Refining Oral Treatments
in Laboratory Rodents.

NRP79 "Advancing 3R" Project

Funded by the Swiss National Research Programm 79 (NRP79) "Advancing 3R -Animals, Research and Society", our project aims to scientifically prove and promote the Micropipette-guided Drug Administration (MDA) as the new gold-standard for oral drug administration in rodents.


Interview with Prof. Urs Meyer in UZH News

Our project leader Urs Meyer, professor at the Institute of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology at UZH, talks about the team's development of its Rodent MDA method.

January 17, 2024

NRP79 News

Administering medicines to rodents with minimal stress

June 17, 2024


Team Rodent MDA
University of Zurich